The College is located in its own ground measuring 5 acres . The building is of 60,000 square feet area with three laboratories, two for Computer Science and one for Mass Communication. There are separate recreation rooms for boys and girls. The building has 34 class rooms which are scientifically designed to make the teacher audible to the students seating in the rear row. Rooms are spacious, airy and lengthy. The building also accommodates a library which has a collection of around 2000 books. The library also receives around 35 national and international journals on diverse fields. Besides newspapers and magazines, there is a large reading room. Internet facility is also available to students on regular basis. The Mass Comm. Department has a modern up to date well equipped lab. The department has a commercial production wing and there are plans to make documentaries and animation production in the near future. The students will be given in house training both in production and commercial operations. The college has its own play ground and well equipped sports departments with all available sports accessories

Library is described as the ‘heart’ of an academic institution. Gyan Jyoti College has a well equipped and well-stored library with books on a plethora of subjects to cater to the academic needs of the students and staff. The library is well stocked consisting of textbooks, reference books, journals, manuals, magazines and newspapers. The facilities at the library include reading section, borrowing rights, photocopier etc. Library membership cards are issued to the students and staff. Besides printed books, the library has a good collection of CDs and paper clippings on various topics. The library has internet connectivity and students are allowed to browse on rotation basis.

The Geography laboratory is well equipped. It has all the necessary instruments, maps,charts, samples of rocks and minerals and other accessories. Ten well designed mapping and drawing tables are provided to the students to carry out their lab based assignments.

The Microbiology Department has a well equipped laboratory with all the latest instruments and appliances. It has got provision for 50 students to do practical at a time. The experiments are conducted under the care of experienced teachers.

The Chemistry Department has a well equipped laboratory and has provision for 50 students to conduct experiments at a time. All the experiments are conducted under the care of experienced teachers.

The Botany laboratory is well equipped with the latest instruments, microscopes and appliances. The laboratory In addition to facilitating Honours practicals, it has provision for doing independent research projects as well. All the experiments are conducted under the care of well qualified and experienced teachers. The Botany Department has taken the additional responsibility of developing a botanical garden, a medicinal plant unit and growing of endangered orchids through tissue culture.

Gyan Jyoti College is the only under graduate college in the region and one of the very few in West Bengal to have a fully equipped, professional level mass com laboratory cum studio. The acoustic-studio is backed by an excellent post production section designed in sectional layout. The lab is air conditioned and sound proof. It is equipped with recording, editing and documenting facilities. It has both visual and print media facilities and students are trained in both areas.

Gyan Jyoti College has a modern, computer laboratory. The large number of computers in the laboratory have the latest configuration and are installed with all relevant software required by students of BCA. The computer laboratory maintains a high student-computer ratio so as to ensure that each student is able to use the computer to his /her maximum benefit.

Gyan Jyoti College has a sprawling ground for cricket, football and other games. There are also facilities for playing indoor games such as Badminton and table tennis.
The college has spacious, well ventilated and scientifically designed classrooms to ensure comfort and convenience to the students. Each student is provided with his or her own desk.
Gyan Jyoti College has a spacious seminar hall with a seating capacity of more than 300 students. It is fully furnished and technically updated with a modern LCD! OHP projector and sound system. A 35 mm screen helps in showing educational films and slide shows. All seminars, workshops, presentations etc are held here.

The college provides bus facility to students. The students are allowed to board the bus from various points and they are dropped at their respective destinations. A well protected parking space to park private vehicles of staff and students is provided within the campus.
The college invites consultants dealing with placement to arrange short listing of students to various organizations for career opportunities. Students are also provided information regarding higher education opportunities within and outside India.
Gyan Jyoti College has a well equipped infirmary handled by a qualified pharmacist. There are two empanelled doctors who visit the college at regular intervals, and there is a doctor on call who attends emergency calls. The infirmary has medicines and instruments for first aid facility.
The college has a sprawling playfield to cater to the needs of the students. Students are encouraged to participate in individual and team events both in the college and inter-college tournaments. It is a member of the North Bengal University Sports Board and participates in team events like football, cricket, badminton, volleyball etc. Outdoor as well as indoor games are conducted as part of sports. Annual sports day is held during Jan Feb.
Gyan Jyoti College organizes Guest Lectures and Workshops for various departments on a regular basis. Apart from eminent personalities giving lectures, student seminars are also organized. The students take up different topics and hold these seminars. Students are also taken on short visits to nearby places and allowed to contribute articles on such visits. This enhances their creative writing skills.
The college has been allotted a NSS Unit. Under this unit social service programmes are organized with the purpose of educating the students socially, hygienically, culturally and morally. NSS activities are geared up through village adoption scheme. Students are taken to the field to get an exposure of the problems of rural India and the problems of society. This gives them a chance to understand the problems and find a constructive solution as well.
In tandem with academics, Gyan Jyoti College offers a host of co-curricular activities to its students. Gyan Jyoti College believes in education in the larger context. As such, the college authorities stresses upon the need to focus on co-curricular activities. Cultural shows including music, dance, quiz, debates and plays are held from time to time. A special event titled the “CULTURAL WEEK” is organized in a big way specifically to promote cultural awareness and team work among students. Competitions are held annually and prizes are given in recognition of their performances. Creative activities like painting, drawing and photography are encouraged.

The college has a separate building for the canteen within the campus premises. It has fast food facility to meet the requirements of the students and the staff. It is hygienically maintained. It is well furnished and maintains a good standard.